

Procrastination means doing something that feels more pleasant or less important, in order to avoid performing other things considered more relevant or harder to reach. Procrastination happens only when some kind of failure hits (because of the distraction). I think procrastination is linked to prohibitions, fears, conflicts or insecurities, all of them running in the unconscious mind. I guess the most difficult task is not necessarily the one being postponed, but that considered as more dangerous, forbidden, risky or conflictive. Perhaps the fear to expose ourselves to society and not succeed is a trigger. Performing activities or reaching objectives could fail if they are in conflict with some plan of life, which was abandoned on the road and unconsciously claims its place. But even chasing after your dreams could lead to procrastination if relatives are a very strong counter-influence. Then you end up unconsciously sabotaging all plans to get to your chosen destination. I think there exists some kind of broader social syndrome comprising the abandonment of projects, school failure, multitasking as a way not to focus on a particular chore, even self-destructive behaviors such as drug abuse or overworking. In fact all procrastination is harmful, because it leads to some kind of failure and the personal discomfort for not making what is owed. Taking time to rest when tired or pausing for creative thinking are not procrastination but could be when degrading the process.

Negative effects of procrastination
Guilt, anxiety, uncertainty, accumulation of pending work, loss of opportunity, missing the chance to learn, decreased self-steem, possible failure in achieving the goal, time loss, social failure, vice as a way of escape or compensation, vicious cycle of guilt and more procrastination, existential or personal failure, vulnerability.

Positive effects
Doing pleasurable things as substitutes, doing necessary things for substitution, personal growth in other areas as a compensation.

There are other causes for procrastination such as depression, anxiety, brain chemical imbalances that induce inactivity, mental illness not manifested, the adverse effects of drug use and even the side-effects of medications, especially psychiatric ones.

I think if one is constantly avoiding certain activities, abandoning projects or evading responsibilities, it is better to ask about one's general view of life or even either family or social relationships to determine possible motivations. Writing down the procrastination issues, even when they do not cause major problems, could help clarify ideas, clear doubts and define priorities.

Writing a to-do list with priorities and thinking constantly about the outcomes (good or bad) of procrastination could help push oneself into work. Once failure has hit, it is better not to burden oneself with guilt but making an evaluation so one can prevent repetitions.
I hope the procrastination taken to read this document is helpful.

On procrastination